Municipal Data

Sustainable Jersey collects and processes municipal level data related to sustainability. Data is updated on an ongoing basis.

Community Profile Data by Municipality

General community data about each municipality in New Jersey for 2015 and 2020. Includes population characteristics, number of commercial/industrial properties, housing characteristics and means of transportation to work. The data is primarily taken from United States Census American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year estimate but includes other sources such as the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs’ (NJ DCA) Municipal Revitalization Index and NJ Division of Taxation MOD-IV tax data.

Community Profile Data by Municipality


Aggregated Community-Scale Utility Energy Data

Total amount of electricity and natural gas purchased in a municipality by sector from 2016 through 2022. Shows electricity purchased in kilowatt-hours (kWh) and natural gas purchased in therms for the residential, commercial, industrial, and street lighting sectors. The data was compiled with the cooperation of the seven investor‐owned energy utility companies in New Jersey. The spreadsheet also includes several interactive charts that visualize electricity and natural gas usage by year and by sector for a municipality. Sustainable Jersey uses this data to calculate GHG emissions from electricity and natural gas.

Aggregated Community-Scale Utility Energy Data

Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT)/On-Road Vehicle GHG Emissions Data

Estimated number of vehicle miles traveled (VMT) by on-road vehicles and the associated GHG emissions by municipality. The data was compiled in collaboration with the Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) in New Jersey: Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC), North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority (NJTPA) and South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization (SJTPO). Data includes 2015 and 2019 data from DVRPC, 2017 and 2019 data from NJTPA, and 2015 and 2020 data from SJTPO. The spreadsheet includes an interactive bar chart that shows the VMT in six categories for a municipality – buses, combination trucks, light trucks, and single unit trucks are grouped.

Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT)/On-Road Vehicle GHG Emissions Data

Community-Scale Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Data

Total community GHG emissions from utility energy usage, other heating fuel usage, and vehicle miles traveled for every municipality in New Jersey for 2020. These emissions represent the majority of GHG emissions found in a typical protocol-compliant GHG inventory. Electricity and natural gas emissions are broken down by sector. There is an interactive donut chart in the spreadsheet that shows GHG emissions by sector for a municipality.

Community-Scale Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Data

Electric Vehicle (EV) Ownership Data

Estimated total number of personal vehicles and electric vehicles in every NJ municipality for 2015 and 2020. This data can be used to track community EV adoption. This data does not include vehicles that are in fleets. Sustainable Jersey prepared this data using the US Census ACS data and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection’s (NJDEP’s) Alternative Fueled Vehicles (AFV) Report data.

Electric Vehicle (EV) Ownership Data

Solar Installation Data

All solar installations in New Jersey from 2000 to 2020. The dataset includes: information about every installation, the total number of installations by year, total number of installations by customer type (residential, commercial, and other), and the total MW installed in each municipality for 2015 and 2020. The data is derived from New Jersey's Clean Energy Program Solar Activity Report "Installation Data."

Solar Installation Data

Energy Efficiency Program Participation (2008-2021)

Interested in seeing how many businesses and homes in your municipality have participated in New Jersey energy efficiency incentive programs? The Sustainable Jersey lifetime participation data tables show the estimated number of eligible properties for energy efficiency incentives, the number of past energy efficiency program participants, and the percentage of participation for both commercial and residential sectors. This data is related to the Commercial Energy Efficiency Outreach and Residential Energy Efficiency Outreach actions for Sustainable Jersey certification. The data is also pertinent to achieving the Gold Star Standard in Energy, which requires municipalities to have a minimum Lifetime Participation Rate of 5% of commercial businesses and 5% of residential houses. 

Lifetime Commercial Participation           Lifetime Residential Participation


NJCEP Local Government Projects 2008-2021

This dataset shows New Jersey Clean Energy Program’s (NJCEP) Local Government projects completed by counties, municipalities, schools, fire departments, and local authorities between 2008 and 2021. The spreadsheet includes two sheets: (a) all local government projects with details; and (b) a summary of the number of municipal projects completed by year.

NJCEP Local Government Projects 2008-2021


Interactive Maps

Sustainable Jersey has produced several interactive maps that visualize critical sustainability and climate issues pertaining to energy, water, and the heat island effect. The maps are hosted on ArcGIS Online and primarily use data provided by the US Federal Government and the State of New Jersey.


NJ Commercial and Industrial Properties Map

This interactive map shows all the commercial and industrial properties in New Jersey identified by tax data. Additional layers can show Urban Enterprise Zones and Opportunity Zones.

This data can be used to identify businesses for outreach campaigns for completing Sustainable Jersey’s Commercial Energy Efficiency Outreach action. The data can be downloaded as a map or spreadsheet.


NJ Energy System Map

Ever wonder how our energy system works – at least spatially? This map shows where the major power plants, transmission lines, substations, natural gas pipelines, and compressor stations are in New Jersey and the region.

The orange circles on the map represent electric power plants; each circle’s size is based on the amount of electricity generated. Click on the circle to see how much electricity each plant generates.

To learn more about how New Jersey's energy system works, see Sustainable Jersey's New Jersey Energy Flow document.

NJ Energy System Map


NJ Energy Utility Territory Map

This interactive map shows all the utility territories in New Jersey. The map has four layers: County Boundaries, Municipal Boundaries, Electric Utility Territories, and Natural Gas Utility Territories. The map defaults to the electric territories layer. To see the Natural Gas utility territory layer, click on the ‘Content’ tab on the left, unselect the Electric layer and select the Natural Gas layer. This map can be useful to find out which utilities serve a given municipality.

NJ Energy Utility Territory Map


NJ Heat Island Map

This interactive map based on USGS thermal infrared imagery shows Land Surface Temperature (LST) for most of New Jersey. The map can be used to identify heat islands (purple-blue indicates cooler areas and orange-red indicates warmer areas). It can also be useful for completing Sustainable Jersey’s Heat Island Assessment action.

Included in the map are additional layers that can be selected for: (a) the 2014 Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) Data layer and (b) Percent Tree Canopy from the USGS National Land Cover Database.

NJ Heat Island Map


NJ Water Map

The NJ Water Map shows various water-related map layers such as watersheds, sub-watersheds, sewer service area, water infrastructure, discharge locations, streams, water bodies, and wetlands. As one zooms in or searches a municipality, more layers become visible. Click on the ‘Content’ tabs to see the different layers and turn them on and off.

This map can help residents understand their community’s water system better. It can also be useful for completing Sustainable Jersey’s Municipal Water Story action and the forthcoming Gold Star Standard in Water.

NJ Water Map