Priority Actions
As part of the certification requirements a municipality must complete a minimum number of priority actions: 2 for Bronze or 3 for Silver. These actions are fundamental first steps in charting a course for a sustainable future. Be sure to identify which priority actions your municipality may already be doing or decide which priority actions your green team would like to pursue.
- Climate Change Related Hazard Vulnerability Assessment *NEW 2024*
- Community Energy Plan or Climate Action Plan *NEW 2024*
- Community Equity & Diversity Profile
- Diversity on Boards & Commissions
- Energy Efficiency for Municipal Facilities
- Energy Tracking & Management
- Fleet Inventory
- Green Business Recognition Program
- Municipal Carbon Footprint
- Municipal Water Story
- Natural Resource Inventory
- Prescription Drug Safety & Disposal
- Recycling & Waste Reduction Education & Compliance
- Sustainable Land Use Pledge
- Water Conservation Ordinance
Prerequisite Actions
Take careful note of the actions in the program that have a prerequisite - meaning one action must be completed and approved before credit can be awarded for the subsequent actions. These actions can be worked on simultaneously, but will only be approved once the prerequisite has been met. Prerequisite actions are listed in bold text below.
Establish a Creative Team
- Creative Assets Inventory
- Creative Placemaking Plan
- Utilizing Your Creative Assets
Fleet Inventory
- Meet Target for Green Fleets
- Purchase Alternative Fuel Vehicles (15 point level only)
Farmers Markets
- Making Farmers Markets Accessible
Environmental Commission
- Environmental Commission Site Plan Review
Easement Inventory & Outreach
- Easement Inspections & Evaluations
Community Forestry Management Plan & NJUCF Accreditation
- Tree Hazard Inventory
- Tree Maintenance Programs
- Tree Planting Programs
Green Grounds & Maintenance Policy
- Recycled Materials & Composting
Municipal Carbon Footprint
- Community Energy Plan or Climate Action Plan
Master Action Tracking Spreadsheet
The Master Action Tracking Spreadsheet (MATSS) lists all the program actions on the main tab, and also breaks out each category of actions into a separate tab. Priority and prerequisite actions are identified. The MATSS is a useful tool to identify the actions your municipality wants to pursue and track your green team's progress in completing them.