Inspire School Initiatives
Municipal and School Green Team Partnerships
Are you collaborating with the green teams in your school district? Successful municipal and school green teams work together to advance sustainability in their communities. Check the Sustainable Jersey for Schools participating districts and schools map to see if your school district and schools are participating and make a connection by clicking here.
Green Team Collaboration Award
The Highland Park Borough School District Green Team and the Highland Park Borough Green Team received the Sustainable Jersey for Schools 2019 Green Team Collaboration Award. The school and municipal green teams collaborated on various green challenges that resulted in community-wide behavior change. Outstanding collaboration projects include: joint green fairs, a $30,000 grant for planting trees at Highland Park school campuses and sustainable fundraising partnerships with the larger community.
2019 Sustainable Jersey for Schools Green Team Collaboration Award
Sustainable Jersey for Schools
Sustainable Jersey for Schools is a certification program for pre-kindergarten through twelfth-grade public schools in New Jersey. Visit the Sustainable Jersey for Schools website for more information on how you can get involved. If you are interested in registering a School or District, click here.