Why Get Certified?

Sustainable Jersey’s certified municipalities are national leaders in implementing solutions to key sustainability challenges. From efforts to reduce waste, cut greenhouse gas emissions, improve public health, stimulate local economies, increase resiliency and progress toward an equitable society, the actions completed by Sustainable Jersey communities have made a significant contribution.

Registration is free and grants are available. With over 465 communities in New Jersey registered, the Sustainable Jersey scene is bigger than ever. Don't miss your chance to:


Save money. Get money.

Sustainable Jersey towns and cities implement practices that lead to cost savings in energy, water and garbage bills. The program helps communities improve efficiency, cut waste and stimulate their local economies. Registered towns get special priority access and notification of incentives and grants, and are eligible for the Sustainable Jersey Grants Program which has provided over $7.6 million for community based  initiatives  across New Jersey.


Gain access to training, tools and expert guidance.

Sustainable Jersey delivers the research, best practices and technical assistance you need to implement sustainable solutions for your community. Regular training workshops, webinars and regional hub meetings provide your town with connections to the leading experts in important municipal sustainability issues.


Create a better future. Conserve valuable resources.

We need everyone on board to build a common agenda for a sustainable New Jersey. As we face increasing environmental and social challenges, residents want to live in towns that are actively working to secure a sustainable future. The Sustainable Jersey actions cover a wide range of topic areas focusing on people, prosperity and the planet. By becoming a Sustainable Jersey certified town, you align your municipality with your community’s values while saving your resources.



Get recognized. Promote your town.

Certified communities are promoted on our website, in our publications, in the media, and are honored at our annual luncheon held at the New Jersey League of Municipalities Conference. They also receive a customized Sustainable Jersey logo and press releases to highlight their accomplishments via their municipal communications channels.




Explore Sustainable Jersey

Use these resources to share the Sustainable Jersey Program with elected officials, municipal staff, and sustainability-minded residents.

Sustainable Jersey Organization Background Sheet

Download Background Sheet

Sustainable Jersey Introductory Presentation

To receive a customizable version, email info@sustainablejersey.com.

Download Presentation

Sustainable Jersey Overview Brochure

This brochure lists all of the actions in the program and the general certification requirements. It is an excellent resource for green team meetings or events.

Download Brochure