Action Development

Sustainable Jersey actions are developed through a transparent and participatory process. Sustainable Jersey has 15 task forces made up of representatives from state agencies, universities, government, non-profit organizations, businesses, stakeholders and other experts serve on the task forces, which research best practices, translate global and state imperatives into local actions, test sustainability planning models and develop community resources.  Recommended best practices are vetted with local government officials before becoming a program action.


Action Categories

There are 18 action categories, spanning the three pillars of sustainability: people, planet and prosperity.  Action categories are listed alphabetically, with corresponding actions within those categories.  View all categories and actions here.


Action Sections

To assist municipalities in completing actions, each action contains a description outlining why the action is important, who should lead and be involved, the time frame to complete it, project costs and resources needed, what to do and how to do it, what to submit, spotlights highlighting model towns, and a list of resources that can assist in completing the action.


Action Types

Action types include those that are non-expiring (actions requiring the adoption of an ordinance, so once approved it never expires in the application), variable point actions (different points levels based on the scope of work completed), priority actions (2 required for bronze and 3 for silver certification), and the mandatory action, Create a Green Team.


Master Action Tracking Spreadsheet

The Master Action Tracking Spreadsheet lists all the actions in the program, abbreviated submission requirements, look back and approval period for actions, point value, and resubmission requirements.  This spreadsheet can be downloaded and tailored to each town's needs throughout the certification process. Download the tracking sheet via the button below.

Master Action Tracking Spreadsheet