Required Documentation

In general, Sustainable Jersey grant applicants need to upload into the online application a resolution authorizing the submission of the grant, evidence of an active green team, an action plan and timeline form, and a detailed budget form.  An Application Information Packet is prepared for each new grant cycle that includes information specific to that opportunity. It will include links to the required forms.


Resolution Authorizing Grant Application Submission

The grant authorization is different from the resolution to register with Sustainable Jersey.  This resolution must be passed by the municipality to demonstrate support for the grant application.  It is highly recommended that municipalities begin the resolution process when a grant application cycle is announced to allow enough time for the approval process.

Sample Grant Resolution


Green Team Documentation

Evidence of a municipal green team that meets the Create a Green Team action requirements is needed. This includes a list of members (without personal information like home addresses, email addresses and phone numbers) and a summary of green team activities from the current or previous year.  If the green team has just formed, describe future plans.

Certified municipalities do not need to provide green team information. To see if your municipality is certified, search the map here.


Action Plan & Timeline

It is highly recommended that applicants use Sustainable Jersey's Action Plan & Timeline template to ensure that the proposed project plan is clear and concise for the selection committee.  More detailed information about crafting the action plan and timeline can be found here.

Sample Action Plan & Timeline


Detailed Budget

The budget is the #1 indicator of a good grant proposal.  It is highly recommended that applicants use Sustainable Jersey's budget template to ensure that the budget includes the necessary information and is clear and concise for the selection committee. More detailed information about crafting a grant budget, along with eligible/ineligible expenses, can be found here.

Sample Budget Template


Optional Information

While not required, supplemental information can be helpful in the selection committee's evaluation of a proposal.  Potential supplemental materials include:

  • Letters of support from project stakeholders
  • Letters of commitment from project partners
  • More detailed project information
  • Projects, studies, research and/or surveys relevant to the proposed project