Program Updates

On a continuous basis, through the help of the Task Forces, the Certification Standards Committee reviews Sustainable Jersey program content, standards, and feedback to ensure actions are relevant, appropriate and up-to-date with current trends, information and expertise.  Sustainable Jersey announces new program and action updates every year at the annual New Jersey League of Municipalities Conference.  New actions and action updates are typically implemented in January.


2023 Retired Actions


2024 Action Updates


Make Your Town Solar Friendly: 5 to 30 Points
Municipalities that receive the Silver designation level for the U.S. Department of Energy’s SolSmart community designation program will automatically qualify for 15 points for this action. In the past, SolSmart Silver designation was automatically awarded 30 points for this action. The action lookback period and expiration period have been extended from 2.5 years to 5 years.

Land Use & Transportation

Enhanced Stormwater Management Control Ordinance: 5 to 35 Points
This action awards points to a municipality that adopts an enhanced stormwater management control ordinance that goes beyond the minimum requirements of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Inland Flood Protection rule, which became effective on July 17, 2023. The rule change necessitates that New Jersey’s municipalities update their Stormwater Management Control Ordinance to ensure the design of new infrastructure uses updated information on current and future levels of rainfall, runoff and flooding. This action links to two sources for enhanced model stormwater management control ordinances, one developed by the Watershed Institute  and the other developed by New Jersey Future. Municipalities can use the guidance and specific ordinance language from either or a combination of both of these model enhanced stormwater management control ordinances. Adoption of enhancements can allow your community to improve water quality, promote more widespread use of green infrastructure and better protection of water resources. For certified communities, this action can count toward a Gold Star in both Health and Water. Link to the webinar here.

Sustainability & Climate Planning

Community Energy Plan or Climate Action Plan: 10 to 15 Points
This action updates the Climate Action Plan action and provides points for Community Energy Plans. Municipalities with Climate Action Plans can qualify for this action if the CAP includes policy areas that go beyond the recommended initiatives in the Community Energy Plan Workplan Template and meet the criteria in the What to Submit section. NOTE: Municipalities may apply for only one point level: 10 points (for Community Energy Plan); OR 15 points (for Climate Action Plan).


Previous Program Updates

View Sustainable Jersey's Previous Program Updates to learn more about the modifications made from 2009-2023.