Take Energy Efficiency to the Next Level! Sustainable Jersey-PSE&G Partnership Program Information Webinar

Feb 21, 2024
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm



Help your residents and small business owners become more energy efficient, make their homes and businesses more comfortable, and save money! Sustainable Jersey and PSE&G are partnering to help municipalities* prioritize energy efficiency in their facilities - and help residents and local businesses do the same. Let us support your community with incredible free resources and funding to spread the word about PSE&G’s programs so that residents and business owners can take advantage of energy assessments and lucrative rebates and incentives.

*Municipalities served 100% by PSE&G for electricity and natural gas are eligible to participate in the Partnership Program. View list of eligible municipalities and learn more on the Partnership Program page.

Event Type: Webinars
Event Category: Sustainable Jersey Events, Trainings & Hub Events

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