Join the EVolution!

May 20, 2021
10:00 am to 11:15 am



New  Jersey’s 2020 Electric Vehicle Law (S-2252) calls for significant expansion of electric vehicle charging infrastructure and electric vehicle adoption by 2025. Municipalities will play a key role in this transition by ensuring that zoning ordinances do not create barriers to electric vehicle charging infrastructure. As electric vehicle adoption becomes the norm for local governments, a comprehensive fleet analysis can help guide fleet decision making with data on current vehicle use. Understanding current fleet needs is key to identifying opportunities for fleet ‘right sizing’, vehicle retirements, and transition to electric vehicles.


This session will cover zoning needs for an electric vehicle future, with particular consideration for DC Fast Chargers, as well as guidance for streamlining permitting processes for EV charging infrastructure.  The session will also include information about using fleet analysis to identify vehicles that can be cost-effectively replaced with EVs.

Event Type: Webinars
Event Category: Sustainable Jersey Events, Trainings & Hub Events

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