Sustainable Jersey Certification Report

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This is the Sustainable Jersey Certification Report of Watchung Boro, a Sustainable Jersey bronze certified applicant.

Watchung Boro was certified on October 25, 2021 with 200 points. Listed below is information regarding Watchung Boro’s Sustainable Jersey efforts and materials associated with the applicant’s certified actions.

Contact Information

The designated Sustainable Jersey contact for Watchung Boro is:

Name:William Hance
Title/Position:Chief Financial Officer / Finance
Address:15 Mountain Boulevard
Watchung, NJ 07069
Phone:908-756-0080 ext. 216

Actions Implemented

Each approved action and supporting documentation for which Watchung Boro was approved for in 2021 appears below. Note: Standards for the actions below may have changed and the documentation listed may no longer satisfy requirements for that action.

  • Community Partnership & Outreach

    Create Green Team

    10 Points
    Bronze Required Silver Required

    Program Summary: The Watchung Green Team has been an active part of the municipal government for over a decade. The team was formed in December 2008, with a corresponding borough council resolution being passed June 2011. The council reauthorized the Green Team in April 2021, recognizing the expanded view of “sustainability” to include more than the original “green” intent of environmental protection and fiscal conservancy. The initial task of the team was to apply for a Somerset County energy audit grant. The grant was received, the audit was completed and the report was received in May 2010. The team achieved bronze level certification with Sustainable Jersey in 2014. Although recertification was not pursued when it expired in 2017, the borough continued to support and expand upon the programs that were included in the initial submission. Beginning mid-2020 the team began working towards recertification and is on track for submission at the Bronze level by June 2021. It is the view of the Green Team that Silver level certification should be within reach for a 2022 submission and work will begin towards this goal once the Bronze level application is submitted in June. The Green Team is working on sustainability issues with other borough organizations. We are engaged with RideWise and Somerset County to address EV Readiness. We have begun working with the Environmental Commission to support changes to the Master Plan proposed by the Planning Board to foster green building design. The Green Team web page can be found at, with meeting minutes located at (please note that team meeting minutes are posted after appearing on a Borough Council agenda at a subsequent meeting, which may result in lag between the meeting date and posting to the website).

    Community Education & Outreach

    15 Points

    Program Summary: Watchung Borough routinely runs a number of outreach activities, although the pandemic has limited those that could be offered in the past year, there were activities adapted for this challenge. For the purposes of the 2021 submission, we are including three events; a spring 2021 webinar hosted by the environmental commission, a tree replacement program, and an interactive forum held in 2020 regarding social justice concerns. The environmental commission hosted "Spring Has Sprung! Pollinator Gardens, Spotted Lanternfly, and Emerald Ash Borer", a program delivered by the Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Somerset County. The Environmental Commission also coupled educational outreach regarding the benefits of planting native trees with a giveaway of seedlings provided by the NJ Forestry Service. Last year, in response to broad concern over social justice issues, especially with regards to racial inequities in criminal justice and other governmental institutions, the borough created Watchung's Inclusion, Diversity, Equality, and Respect (Wider) committee. This committee hosted a number of in-person sessions in order to collect and share information regarding residents views and concerns. These sessions served both to inform residents and to provide the council with input. The committee is now proceeding with an action plan developed as a result of these sessions.

    Green Fair

    10 Points

    Program Summary: The Borough of Watchung and Warren Township have held joint green fairs for over 10 years, with the exception of 2020 when the fair was canceled because of the pandemic. Planning for the 2021 Green Fair began in the spring of this year and the primary challenge was navigating the unknown health restrictions that might be in place six months in the future. It was decided to hold a minimal contact event that was primarily drive through drop off of recyclable items, with a very limited distribution of physical material. There were a limited number of tables and all volunteers were masked. Advertising for the fair was primarily through electronic means, including a dedicated webpage on the borough website, social media posting, email, electronic signage, and a small number of lawn signs and a limited number of flyers for display in stores. Rather than distribute a large number of flyers, the flyers included QR codes so that patrons could scan them to get the information they needed. Despite the limited advertising, an estimated 570 cars drove through the event to drop off items and about 100 people visited the various information tables. Evidence being submitted includes documents for both the 2021 fair and the 2019 fair. The 2019 fair was held on May 11 of that year which is at the edge of the 18 month window for eligibility.

    "Green" Your Green Fair *Retired 12/31/23*

    10 Points

    Program Summary: The Borough of Watchung and Warren Township have held joint green fairs for over 10 years, with the exception of 2020 when the fair was canceled because of the pandemic. Planning for the 2021 Green Fair began in the spring of this year and the primary challenge was navigating the unknown health restrictions that might be in place six months in the future. It was decided to hold a minimal contact event that was primarily drive through drop off of recyclable items, with a very limited distribution of physical material. There were a limited number of tables and all volunteers were masked. During planning specific attention was paid to how best to ensure the fair itself was as green as possible while providing for a safe environment in the midst of a pandemic. The location was changed to a facility in the center of Warren to shorten drive distances and make it readily accessible for bike and pedestrian traffic. Unfortunately, while electric vehicle displays and test drives had been a staple of past green fairs, including the one in May 2019, health concerns prevented the inclusion of this activity this fall. No additional electricity was used for the event. PSE&G representatives presented their program on the Energy Efficiency and scheduled home audits. Most of the activities at this fair were collection of materials for recycling and reuse, including styrofoam, electronics, paper shredding, eyeglasses and hearing aids, and books. In anticipation of the ban on single use bags, reusable shopping bags were distributed. In an effort to further reduce waste, advertising for the fair was primarily through electronic means, including a dedicated webpage on the borough website, social media posting, email, electronic signage, and a small number of lawn signs and a limited number of flyers for display in stores. Rather than distribute a large number of flyers, the flyers included QR codes so that patrons could scan them to get the information they needed. Signage for the event was purchased from a local business in Berkeley heights, Local businesses participated, including locally sourced honey sales. All business partners are from New Jersey. Evidence being submitted includes documents for both the 2021 fair and the 2019 fair. The 2019 fair was held on May 11 of that year which is at the edge of the 18 month window for eligibility.

  • Emergency Management & Resiliency

    Emergency Communications Planning

    15 Points

    Program Summary: The Borough of Watchung has an EOP in place that is approved by the State of New Jersey. The plan resides with the Watchung Office of Emergency Management. The Office of Emergency Management (OEM) is responsible for the coordination of activities within the Borough during potential or actual emergencies and/or disasters. In the event of a declared state of emergency, the OEM coordinator works in collaboration with the Watchung Police Department, Watchung Fire Department, Watchung Rescue Squad, Borough Administrator, Watchung CERT Team, and Public Works, as well as other community-based stakeholders to 1) Properly prepared for all natural and man-made emergencies and disasters that threatens our community, 2) Provide education to our residents and businesses on how to properly prepare for emergencies and disasters and 3) Provide leadership and support to reduce the loss of life and property through an all-hazards emergency management program of mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. The borough has various forms of communications to residents. This includes the borough website, local and regional media, the Watchung radio station, Facebook and electronic information boards. Non technological forms of emergency communications include police car speaker announcements, and door to door canvassing. There is also a page dedicated to emergency communication. With COVID 19 the borough has been in frequent touch with residents sharing updated information in the local media, postings on the town website, letters mailed to residents, and email blasts. There is a website page dedicated to Covid 19 on the borough website.

    Vulnerable Populations Identification for Emergencies

    10 Points

    Program Summary: Watchung residents are able to self-identify and register for "Register Ready". The Office of Emergency Management receives lists of vulnerable residents through information provided by the NJ Register Ready System. We have advertised online on our website, at our local library, on Facebook, and in the Township newsletter. If someone is not able to register themselves, residents can call NJ211 for assistance with registering. Register Ready is maintained by the State of NJ, and, for reasons of confidentiality, residents information is only accessible to the OEM Coordinators. OEM and Police coordinate with specialized facilities and other groups to verify stakeholder needs.

  • Energy

    Energy Tracking & Management

    20 Points
    Bronze Priority Silver Priority

    Program Summary: Watchung Borough had used an Excel spreadsheet for Energy Tracking and Management. The system consisted of a spreadsheet with worksheets containing inventories of buildings and individual meters, as well as billing data for the current and prior year. Analytics were produced using pivot tables and a sheet with complex formulas used for aggregating data for presentation. 2020 Data represents the baseline, with 2021 data being collected by town personnel on a regular basis. This data has been ported over to ESPM. SEP reports from ESPM have been uploaded in a zip, along with other reports in two formats to ensure that the data is in an acceptable format. There is a ZIP file and a Word document. The same reports are in each file. All properties in ESPM have been shared with Sustainable Jersey, although an error was received and it's uncertain if the share action in ESPM was successful. The borough finance office will update the records on a monthly basis when the bills come in. The CFO will use the reporting quarterly to track usage and expenditures for budgetary and planning purposes. We are requesting 20 points for this effort. It is the intent to transfer this data to the Energy STAR Portfolio Manager in the near future.

  • Food

    Farmers Markets

    10 Points

    Program Summary: The Watchung Borough Farmers Market will resume this year. It will take place every Tuesday evening, beginning on June 1st and running through October. The market has been moved to the parking lot for the Watchung police station/municipal court on Somerset Street. This location is on a route offering high visibility in a level parking area, making it accessible. A list of scheduled vendors has been attached. This market is being advertised on the Borough website and Facebook page, as well as signage. It has also been announced in local news media. Operational costs and income are minimal. The only expense has been $510.00 for banners and signs to advertise the market. The revenues have been limited to food licensing fees of $135.00. Most of the vendors we have do not need to pay the food license fee. The town has waived the initial $25 fee and is allowing vendors to pay on a weekly basis.

  • Green Design

    Green Building Policy/Resolution

    5 Points

    Program Summary: The Governing Body of Watchung passed a Green Practices and Green Building Policy back in 2010. This resolution was implemented immediately and posted on the borough website for public viewing. The policy is also posted in borough hall for viewing by employees as well as members of the public who have business with the borough. Photos of a bulletin board, copy of email sent to department heads, and screen print of website are attached.

    Green Building Education

    5 Points

    Program Summary: The Watchung Borough construction office utilizes green building educational materials prepared by Rutgers University. These materials are provided to all parties doing business with the construction office. A pamphlet and photos of the distribution point are attached.

  • Health & Wellness

    Anti-Idling Education & Enforcement Program

    10 Points

    Program Summary: The Borough has adopted the anti idling resolution and has had anti-idling signs placed at the (2) the Municipal Building, 1 at Watchung Lake Parking Lot, 1 at Mobus Field Parking Lot, 1 at the Police Department, 1 at Texier Museum, and 1 at each of the school buildings. Please find attached memo from Police Chief to police officers regarding enforcement and email from borough clerk to heads of all departments with vehicles.

  • Natural Resources

    Environmental Commission

    10 Points

    Program Summary: The Watchung Environment Commission is an active body within the municipal government providing oversight of tree removal permits and site plans. It also runs a number of conservation-oriented initiatives and educational campaigns, and regularly makes recommendations to the governing body about issues of environmental concern. The Environmental Commission meets on a monthly basis to perform its regulatory duties. It provides reporting to the borough council through meeting minutes, including the December meeting minutes, which include the year-end tree report. A member of the borough council serves as liaison between the council and the commission, attending all meetings. This council member also serves as the liaison to the Green Team and there is another member serving on both the Environmental Commission and on the Green Team to facilitate close cooperation between the two bodies. A member of the EC also serves on the Planning Board, as is mandated by the enabling legislation. The list of current members can be found on the Borough Website, along with meeting minutes and agendas:

    Environmental Commission Site Plan Review

    10 Points

    Program Summary: The Environmental Commission (EC) reviews all applications that come before the Planning Board: advises on the environmental impacts and recommends changes. EC suggests changes and requests applicant to modify their plan to be more environmentally friendly. A member of the EC is also a member of the Planning Board. Environmental Commission reviews site plans and all other documents submitted for each application. Each review is application specific. Reviews may include: DEP regulations, steep slopes, wetlands, air quality, lighting, parking, plantings in site and including parking islands, tree replacement plans, request barriers around areas and trees outside construction area to prevent damage, recommend changes to lessen environmental impact, etc. Examples of 2 of the Planning Board Applications and the EC recommendations below 1. Learning Experience Daycare Center Project 100 Union Avenue: The Environmental Commission submitted “Concerns about Proposed Learning Experience Daycare Center Project” to the Planning Board and applicant. This listing explains the concerns and recommendations of the Watchung Environmental Commission. 2. Affordable housing application Bonnie Burn Road: The Environmental Commission submitted “EC BB Concerns final” and “EC COAH Recommendations to Planning Board”. These two documents explain the concerns and recommendations of the Watchung Environmental Commission. Along with application review, this past year the Planning Board was required to review and submit the Master Plan. Environmental Commission advised and recommended changes to the Master Plan. EC recommended Master Plan updates this does not include all updates: Stronger wording for protection of environmental issues Stronger Enforcement of ordinances Addition of the Environmental Checklist Limit impervious coverage in all zoning areas Reinforce area around the Lake.

    Tree Protection Ordinance

    10 Points

    Program Summary: The Borough published and adopted a Tree Preservation Ordinance No 11/14 which requires residents to comply with rules and regulations regarding tree removal and destruction as uncontrolled and excessive destruction and cutting of trees will result in increased drainage problems, soil erosion, and decreased fertility of soil. This ordinance is posted on our website and is enforced by our engineering department and is continuously reviewed and amended.This ordinance's publishing and adoption was posted in the local paper, The Echoes. We have attached a copy for your review.

  • Operations & Maintenance

    Adopt a Green Purchasing Policy by Resolution *Retired 12/31/23*

    5 Points

    Program Summary: The Borough adopted a green purchasing policy by resolution in 2010 (R9: 11/10/10). The borough purchasing agent put together the green purchasing policy handbook and instructed all department heads on the intent and procedures. Department heads are reminded that the policy is still in effect periodically. The memo from the borough CFO for 2021 is attached.

    Recycled Copy Paper

    10 Points

    Program Summary: The Borough of Watchung implemented a green purchasing policy that requires the use of paper with 30% recycled content for specific uses (see associated action item) and regularly purchases recycled copy paper. 26% of the paper purchases for the past two years, including over 50% of 2021 year-to-date paper purchases meet the 30% recycled content.

  • Public Information & Engagement

    Municipal Communications Strategy

    10 Points

    Program Summary: Watchung Borough uses a robust, multichannel approach to communicating with the public. The borough has an active presence on the web through the borough website page, which is linked to sites for police, fire, and EMS. The web footprint also includes Facebook pages for the borough, and other organizations, as well as twitter accounts and instagram feeds for some of the support services. Nixle is used for text and email communications, both for emergency notifications and to provide residents with timely reminders of community activities and events. A subscription-based email service allows residents to receive notices that are posted to the website. The town publishes a semi-annual newsletter, both electronically and as a physical distribution, and provides informational mailings for timely matters that cannot wait for the next newsletter. All of these channels are used regularly, with postings to the website and Facebook page typically being performed several times a week. The town website serves as an information distribution hub for educational materials provided by various boards and commissions, and it is a major means of engagement between the public and town government. The site is easily navigable, with data quickly accessible, especially contact information, which can usually be reached in a single click from the menu on the home page.

    Digitizing Public Information

    10 Points

    Program Summary: Watchung Borough maintains a robust web presence, with a main website managed by the town and additional sites managed by the police department, fire department, and rescue squad. The borough website provides residents and businesses seeking to do business in town with the necessary information in a readily accessible structure. These sites are updated in a timely manner and contain documents, forms, and information about the functions and operations of local government. The main site can be found at

  • Waste Management

    Prescription Drug Safety & Disposal

    10 Points
    Bronze Priority Silver Priority

    Program Summary: The Watchung Borough Police Department runs semi-annual prescription drug take-back collections as part of the DEA National RX Take-Back program. All collections take place in the lobby of the Watchung Police Department building located at 840 Somerset Street. All materials collected are turned over to the New Jersey State Police for disposal. The most recent one was held on Saturday, April 24th with a large volume of prescriptions being collected from residents. This event was announced through a variety of channels, including postings on the borough website, the police department website, the borough Facebook page, alerts sent through Nixle, on the website of the Safe Medicine Coalition of Hunterdon and Somerset, and on an electronic sign positioned on the circle in the center of town. In addition to these periodic collections, a flyer that provides information about permanent collection locations in Somerset County is posted on the borough website. The April 2021 event drew approximately 40 residents submitting 175 prescriptions. Two bags, weighing 19 and 20 pounds, for a total of 39 pounds were transferred to the New Jersey State Police for destruction. The next regular collection event will be held in October. In addition, there will be a collection at the upcoming Watchung-Warren Green Fair on September 25th. Prior collection events over the past two years were held on: 10/19/2020 4/24/2020 10/26/2019 4/27/2019

    Grass - Cut It and Leave It Program

    5 Points

    Program Summary: The Borough has had a Grass Cut It and Leave it Program in place for many years. The Watchung Environmental Commission has published a brochure providing information about maintaining healthy lawns, including leaving grass clippings in place. The program is regularly promoted in the town newsletter, which is distributed to all residents, and through social media. The Environmental Commission’s brochure and links to other material from the State and the Rutger’s Cooperative Extension can be found on the town website (see last page of attached PDF). A copy of the FB post is also being attached.