Sustainable Jersey Certification Report

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This is the Sustainable Jersey Certification Report of Medford Twp, a Sustainable Jersey bronze certified applicant.

Medford Twp was certified on December 12, 2019 with 175 points. Listed below is information regarding Medford Twp’s Sustainable Jersey efforts and materials associated with the applicant’s certified actions.

Contact Information

The designated Sustainable Jersey contact for Medford Twp is:

Name:Deborah Evans
Title/Position:Member / Medford Township Environmental Affairs Advisory Committee
Address:21 Heron Court
Medford, NJ 08055

Actions Implemented

Each approved action and supporting documentation for which Medford Twp was approved for in 2019 appears below. Note: Standards for the actions below may have changed and the documentation listed may no longer satisfy requirements for that action.

  • Arts & Creative Culture

    Municipal Commitments to Support Arts and Creative Culture

    5 Points

    Program Summary: The Medford Art Center is the central hub for art and artisans in the town. They have a unique relationship in that the town provides additional promotion for Art Center Events as well as additional services during events. Attached you will find examples of only a few of the township newsletters promoting Art Center events, their Memorandum of Understanding as well as the list of township events shared with residents online from the township website. Creating a spot in a township park for "Libby's Cow" which had been painted by Kate LeMay in the mid-2000s has become a tourist destination for photos (photo uploaded). The township continues to provide support to the non-profit and artistic events by assisting with promotion and placing them on the township's calendar as well as emailing additional details of the events. With the recent relocation of the Medford Art Center to a more accessible building with additional workshops, classes and larger gallery and gift shop a growing interactive relationship between the arts and the township.

  • Brownfields

    Brownfields Inventory & Prioritization

    10 Points

    Program Summary: The Brownfield list was developed using NJ Dataminer ( & The sites were verified by Marc H. Selover, PG, LSRP of Environmental Resolutions. People who worked on the project include: Marc Selover, Beth Portocalis, Robert Petrillo, Pola Galie and Deborah Evans. The verification process used to add, retain or eliminate sites from Medford's inventory is completed by Marc Selover, LSRP and Rohan Todas, LSRP of Environmental Resolutions, Inc. (ERI). ERI is the appointed Township Engineer. Input from Members of the Medford Environmental Advisory Affairs Committee (EAAC) review the data and make recommendations for review and consideration for professional scrutiny. The EAAC accepts suggestions from the public to be researched and evaluated. The previous Dataminer search showed three (3) listed brownfields sites but Marc Selover, LSRP reached out to the Office of Planning Advocacy to have the Sunoco site removed due to the remediation being completed at the site. The policy for updating the Brownfields Inventory is completed by Environmental Resolutions, Inc., ERI nominates any sites that meet the Brownfields definition so that the inventory is up to date. The most recent inventory included 91 sites, which after review on google maps and in some cases, visual inspection revealed 32 residential sites that could be eliminated from consideration. Further review of the established criteria and rating reduced the list considerably. See spreadsheet with coding attached. At this time and because several sites have already been addressed, there are no sites in Medford Township that meet the criteria to be listed on the potential brownfield inventory list. The EAAC and township will continue to remain vigilant in this regard with review for consideration for additional properties that can be evaluated on an ongoing basis by the EAAC.

  • Community Partnership & Outreach

    Create Green Team

    10 Points
    Bronze Required Silver Required

    Program Summary: On September 3, 2019, the Township Council voted unanimously to accept resolution 176-2019 establishing a Green Team Advisory Committee. See link A copy of the resolution is attached. The Green Team Advisory Committee will consist of up to 11 members to be appointed by the Township Council annually. The 9 members of the EAAC will serve along with two additional members specifically appointed to the Green Team. The complete list of EAAC Members and members of the Green Team is attached. It should be noted that at the September 3rd, 2019 meeting of the Town Council, Resolution 175-2019 was passed naming two new members to fill open positions on the EAAC.

    Community Education & Outreach

    15 Points

    Program Summary: The EAAC implemented 5 recent events: 1. Medford Twp. & Woman's Club of Medford 7th annual Town-wide Yard Sale & Earth Day Event took place Saturday, April 27th at Freedom Park. Event is an effort to reuse and recycle household goods FREE trees distributed by the Environmental Affairs Advisory Committee (EAAC)provided by the NJ Department of Environmental Protection under their Tree Recovery Program. 2. The EAAC provided an educational presentation 5/29/19 that was live streamed and archived for future viewing. The topics included Conserving Water at Home, Landscaping for a Creek-Friendly Yard, Septic Management and Declining Honeybees: What Can We do to Help. 3. EAAC board member Bo Petrillo led the Haynes Creek Clean up 3/23/19. Checklists are attached along with photos and promo materials.

  • Emergency Management & Resiliency

    Climate Adaptation: Flooding Risk

    20 Points
    Bronze Priority Silver Priority

    Program Summary: Medford has adopted a comprehensive flood management plan. Medford Township's Emergency Management Team and the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) continue to work on all aspects of climate change as well as impending flood risk. With the adoption of Medford's Green Team, and team approach the GTR was completed. The Collaborators on the GTR include Katherine Burger-Township Manager, Beth Portocalis-Planning and Zoning Manager, Rich Falasco-Construction Official, Robert Dovi-Emergency Management Coordinator. Maps from NJ Flood mapper and additional flood hazard maps are included in the attached documents. The Township is currently in talks with the state's Blue Acres Program in hopes of purchasing land affected by flooding within the township borders.

    Community Wildfire Protection Plans

    10 Points

    Program Summary: The NJ Forest Fire Service and Medford Township (CWPP team) completed a comprehensive review of the Township’s wildfire fighting capabilities, fire risk, fuel hazard classifications and past fire occurrences. Evaluating these factors and others that contribute to wildfire risk in a spatial format allowed the team to develop a cooperative plan targeting specific issues requiring action. The CWPP is designed to be a working document available for modification when warranted and the efforts and priorities that are identified can be changed, rearranged added to or dropped depending on current needs. The wildfire plan has been discussed informally by Rob Dovi and Thomas Gerber since its inception and no changes were deemed necessary. Motivated by the Green Team's support, a formal review meeting be documented. All members of the emergency management team are aware of the wildfire plan (attached) and continue to communicate and know that anyone on the team can suggest review/revision. The next meeting is scheduled in the 2nd week of September 2019.

    Emergency Communications Planning

    15 Points

    Program Summary: Within the Department of Public Safety there is a Division of Civil Defense, known as the "Office of Emergency Management," The Office of Emergency Management and the Director of Emergency Management shall perform all of the functions, powers and duties prescribed by general law, executive order, ordinance or resolution. Within the Office of Emergency Management, there shall be a volunteer Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) consisting of citizens who have completed basic CERT training as recommended by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, to be appointed by the Director of Public Safety. The objective of the Team is to train community members to be able to support emergency services personnel during disasters, emergency events, and special community events. Please find attached 1. Copy of Emergency Planning Document in Spanish 2. Copy of Door Hanger Notification left on homes at risk 3. Sustainable NJ Emergency Communication Checklist. 4. Newspaper article verification of Nixle.

  • Food

    Farmland Preservation Plans

    10 Points

    Program Summary: Medford Township has a unique combination of land use history and activity, split geographically along Route 70. To the North of Route 70, the community is rich in farmlands with a strong heritage of families growing blueberries, cranberries, and other farm crops. On the other side of Route 70, we share the rich experiences of the Pinelands. This unique personality has been paramount to the foundation of the rich community, which is Medford Township. A summary of open space and farmland purchases made/participated in by the State of New Jersey Green Acres Program, Burlington County and/or Medford Township. The Current total is 5,662 acres of preserved open space and farmland. The township is proactive when considering farmland to preserve for the continued improvement of the quality of life for Medford residents. Attached below is a listing of the current Farmlands that are preserved (1) and a separate listing of the Acquisition Target List (2). Farmland Preservation Plans are managed via a Master Plan subcommittee of the Township Planning Board. Phase One is the completion of the Open Space Plan which is required to be submitted to the State NJDEP Green Acres Program year’s end. This element will ultimately become a section of the overall Master Plan. Taylor Design Group has been retained to facilitate the process for Medford Township. The four Sub Committee Meetings took place during August, 2019. The Public hearings are scheduled October 2nd and October 23rd. Attached please find: 1. Preserved Farms Listing, Burlington County Farmland Preservation Program dated June 11,2018 2. 2018 Acquisition Targeting List, Burlington County Farmland Preservation Program, dated June 11, 2018 3. Exhibit 1 to Declaration Recreation and Open Space Inventory Pgs 1-7 4. Taylor Design Group Master Plan Summary 5. Taylor Design Group Master Plan Executive Summary

    Community Gardens

    10 Points

    Program Summary: For the past 18 years, Medford has offered garden plots at Freedom Park for use by local residents. There are 45 garden plots, including 6 raised beds for handicapped accessibility. Plots are approximately 25’ x 25’ and can be reserved at $30 for a full plot, $15 for a half plot, $8 for a quarter plot or $5 for a Senior plot. Each plot is tilled, staked out and numbered and a free water source is provided. The provision of seeds, plantings, fertilizers, rodent control devices and perimeter fencing is the responsibility of the gardener. In recent years the township has added humane traps for groundhogs. The beds are prepared at the beginning of the season by the farmer who rents Cow Pointe from the township (as part of the lease agreement). Medford provides a port-a potty, maintains a picnic area, and pays a contractor to mow around the gardens.The total cost to the township is approximately $2500 a year. Since its inception the community garden has been very popular with residents with annual rentals of 75-80%. Past participants have included students from nearby Allen Elementary School.The benefits to the community include the positive reflection of radiation and reduction of water runoff. Because Medford is surrounded by rural communities and farmlands, the health benefits come from the opportunities for recreation, exercise and therapy. Additionally, the educational benefits and the importance of community responsibility are invaluable.

    Farmers Markets

    10 Points

    Program Summary: This year through the efforts of the ad hoc group that has been functioning as the town's ad hoc Green Team, we were able to organize and implement a farm market that takes place 2 times monthly on a Saturday. Local farmers with organic produce were encouraged to apply as well as local artists and food vendors. The Main Street Market started June 8th and continues through October 26, 2019. This is planned on being an annual market that may include 2 indoor holiday markets. Local restaurateurs have talked with the farmers regarding purchasing their produce from these local farmers as well as planning for next harvest season. The Main Street Market is a collaboration with Medford Township and the Medford Business Association that is fully organized and staffed by volunteers. The market allows for at least one non-profit to be at the market at no charge each market day.

  • Health & Wellness

    Smoke-Free and Tobacco-Free Public Places

    10 Points

    Program Summary: Smoking and the use of other tobacco products is not permitted in any municipal building in Medford Township. "Municipal building" includes all municipal offices, police station, fire stations, schools and school administration, water treatment plants, Department of Public Works, emergency squad building, library, parks, ball fields and any and all facilities owned and/or operated by the Township of Medford. Attached please find a copy of the ordinance, photo representation of signage in parks and ballfields, and a copy of the employee handbook page 41 advising all employees of the township smoke free policy and a copy of the township website posting to advise the public that all municipal facilities are smoke free.

  • Natural Resources

    Environmental Commission

    10 Points

    Program Summary: The Environmental Affairs Advisory Committee meets monthly and performs many responsibilities of working on sustainability issues. As part of the Pine lands, the community is actively focused on the appreciation and protection of the unique environment. We have focused on the protection of Open Space, the creation of a new mountain bike park facility for the public, and education of environmental issues. The committee is working toward creating the Green Team as well as getting more volunteers involved in projects that not only foster town pride but personal satisfaction. We celebrated 40 years a certified Tree City and will celebrate with the planting of 40 trees in one of the township's designated green space areas. A copy of the ordinance to establish the EAAC is attached along with the 2018 Year End Summary and 2019 Goals. The 2018 Year End Summary is also posted on the township website.

  • Operations & Maintenance

    Recycled Copy Paper

    10 Points

    Program Summary: The Medford township purchasing department has been purchasing and supporting all of the township's copy paper needs with 100% recycled paper. A copy of the paper packaging for the paper identifies paper content is 100% recycled is also attached. A copy of the summary of our purchase records for all departments in the township is also attached in the pdf document. The township discourages the mailing of printed letters and conducts most of their business internal and external as digital format. The attached documentation includes a Copy of the Recycled paper packaging, county purchasing contract and Annual total purchases for Medford Township and one order requisition.

  • Waste Management

    Prescription Drug Safety & Disposal

    10 Points
    Bronze Priority Silver Priority

    Program Summary: The Medford Police Dept. is proud to announce that it has joined the NJ Attorney General’s “Project Medicine Drop” initiative and has installed a Project Medicine Drop box at police headquarters. The Project Medicine Drop Box is located in the lobby of Police Headquarters, located at 91 Union Street across from Freedom Park. Residents may visit the Police Department at any time, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, to dispose of their unused or excess medications. (No needles) Through this initiative, the State Division of Consumer Affairs installs secure “prescription drug boxes” at police departments, sheriff’s offices and State Police barracks across New Jersey, allowing citizens to safely dispose of their unused, excess or expired prescription medications. The 18 month total weight for the Project Medicine Drop is: 1,055 lbs. This initiative makes it easier and more convenient than ever for Medford residents to take an active role in the fight against the nationwide epidemic of opiate and heroin abuse, which often is fueled by the abuse of prescription painkillers. Project Medicine Drop is a natural addition to the Police Dept's commitment to help improve the public safety and quality of life in Medford. They encourage residents to be fully aware of the potential of abuse presented by otherwise beneficial medications. The Drop Box is also an important component of the NJ Attorney General’s and Medford’s effort to stop the diversion and abuse of prescription drugs, including highly addictive opiate painkillers. Members of the public are invited to visit the Project Medicine Drop sites and drop off any unused prescription medications anonymously and with no questions asked. Most Project Medicine Drop sites, like Medford Township, make this service available 24 hours a day, seven days a week and 365 days a year. By giving New Jerseyans a safe and secure method to dispose of unneeded medications, Project Medicine Drop helps to prevent the abuse of these drugs. More information about Project medicine Drop, including the full list of Project Medicine Drop locations, can be found or by clicking HERE for Burlington County locations. The Township hosts a prescription drug disposal event, "Project Medicine Drop Initiative." For more information, see and the attached pdf.

    Community Paper Shredding Day

    5 Points

    Program Summary: Medford Township's Neighborhood Services Department holds community paper shredding events at least three times a year due to the demand. These shredding events are available for all Township residents for free and are held from 8 am to 12 noon at the Municipal Garage at 2 Commonwealth Drive in Medford. Residents may bring up to 10 bags or boxes of files to be shredded on site in a secure mobile unit. The first two paper shredding events of 2019 were held on March 16, 2019, (3.83 tons of paper shredded) and June 15th (2.80 tons shredded). Each event serviced approximately 100 residents. The next shredding event is scheduled for Oct. 19, 2019. Events are posted on the calendar at the Medford Township website and in the Medford Messenger, the township's e-newsletter. See attached copy of the Medford Township Website posting and the Medford Township Recycling brochure that was sent to all residents with their tax bills.

    Household Hazardous Waste

    15 Points

    Program Summary: We continue to work on improving the efficiency of our Trash and Recycling Facility. The last available audit from 2017 showed that they collected (in tons) antifreeze - 2.37, batteries - .62, used motor oil - 221, and consumer electronics 110.06 A copy of the 2018 NJ DEP Tonnage report is attached. Please note 13 batteries are documented as collected on the report. Information about recycling in the e-newsletter and pages on the website with recycling links and information is also uploaded. The Township Garage is open Monday—Friday from 7:00 am to 2:00 pm with the exception of holidays. The Township Garage will be open on alternating Saturdays, from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm. Recycling tips and hours of the township garage are on the township website and in the Medford Messenger. With the addition of the Green Team in 2019, a goal will be additional education about household hazardous waste and appropriate disposal.