Sustainable Jersey Certification Report
Download PDF VersionThis is the Sustainable Jersey Certification Report of Ridgewood Village, a Sustainable Jersey bronze certified applicant.
Ridgewood Village was certified on October 19, 2023 with 255 points. Listed below is information regarding Ridgewood Village’s Sustainable Jersey efforts and materials associated with the applicant’s certified actions.
Contact Information
The designated Sustainable Jersey contact for Ridgewood Village is:
Name: | Michael Faherty |
Title/Position: | Green Team / Green Team |
Address: | 10 Carolina Place Ridgewood, NJ 07450 |
Phone: | 201-310-1083 |
Actions Implemented
Each approved action and supporting documentation for which Ridgewood Village was approved for in 2023 appears below. Note: Standards for the actions below may have changed and the documentation listed may no longer satisfy requirements for that action.
Animals in the Community
Animals in the Community Education *Retired 12/31/23*
10 PointsProgram Summary: Ridgewood actively educates and informs its residents on animals in the community. Ridgewood has a proven track record of inter-governmental, community and volunteer partnerships working to actively engage children, adults and disabled persons with wildlife and nature. The Ridgewood Public Library has continued to offer: Read to a Dog* 2 – 3 times weekly where pre-k thru grade 5 children spend 15 minutes reading to a certified therapy dog. It is the longest running program of its type in the county. It is a perfect example of animals helping the community, and has had a huge impact on autism awareness and other special needs. Ridgewood Parks and Recreation Department offers many programs in partnership with the community such as: Snakes n Scales, annual event for K-5, teaches with live pythons, alligators, sharks, lizards, turtles, frogs, fish, spiders and insects. Garden Arts Picasso Half-Pints, ages 4 – 10, program includes animals, bugs, frog gardens. Green Kids Nature Club after school educational program. Children grades 3 – 6 experience nature through hands on projects, teaching about local birds, bees, butterflies and more in the Butterfly Garden. And many other programs: please see attachement. Both Library and Recreation offer bee keeping educational events (see attachment) Ridgewood Wildscape Association volunteers act as guardians of undeveloped areas in the village and conduct guided walks, encouraging residents to use the “wild” areas and to experience the varied flora and fauna. The Ridgewood Responsible Pet Ownership Committee, established in conjunction with local AKC clubs and Federations like Ramapo Kennel Club and New Jersey Federation of Dog Clubs, has remained active virtually but suspended events during the pandemic. The Ridgewood Responsible Pet Ownership Committee had a table for education at the Ridgewood Earth Day Fair, April 2019 and May 15, 2019 conducted a free rabies and microchip clinic with pet emergency education. In September they met with legislators about responsible pet ownership. During the pandemic their activities have been virtual.
Brownfields Inventory & Prioritization
10 PointsProgram Summary: As part of the 2022 Ridgewood Master Plan, Brownfield site inventory was complete. Please see tables 30, 31, 32 on pages 367-370 of the Ridgewood Master Plan. The url is
Community Partnership & Outreach
Green Team
10 PointsBronze Required Silver RequiredProgram Summary: 2023 Update: The Ridgewood Village Council re-proclaimed the Ridgewood Green Team on 6/14/2023. The proclamation certificate is attached in the supporting documentation below, as well as the current Green Team membership list, and a summary of recent activities. 2021 Input: The Ridgewood Green Team was established as a permanent advisory committee to the Village Council via Ordinance No. 3423 in July 2014. The explicit purpose of the Green Team is to manage the Village's Sustainable Jersey application and achieve certification. The committee functions as a subcommittee of the Green Ridgewood (formerly REAC – Ridgewood Environmental Action Committee) which has been in existence for more than two decades and initiated many of the actions now being formally documented. REAC has recently rebranded as "Green Ridgewood," but the administrative structure has remained the same. To ensure continuity and adequate knowledge transfer, one third of the Green Team members are also Green Ridgewood members. Resolution 15-67, passed in February 2015, established the initial membership and terms for the Green Team volunteers. Note that many terms defined in Resolution 15-67 have since been extended. Since that time there have been monthly meetings as well as numerous one-on-one engagements as needed to facilitate the Sustainable Jersey application process. Ridgewood continues to support its Green Team in a variety of ways, including inviting the Green Team to participate in various municipal fairs and festivals, approving grant application and projects, supporting new initiatives, and appointing Councilperson Pam Perron as the Council member on the Green Team. A letter of support for the Green Team (documentation provided) was read at the Village Council meeting held May 12, 2021. The Green Team meets bimonthly and has created a tracker for all SJ activities for the Village. Village employees have been engaged in creating the updated SJ submission.
Green Challenges
10 PointsProgram Summary: For the 2023 No Mow May program, there were 241 registrations on the Village website, out of a total of 8,951 residences. This is an 2.67% pledge rate which is +0.17pp more than the 2.5% requirement. In 2023 the Town of Ridgewood is implementing the "No Mow May" program. "No Mow May" is a program that encourages businesses and residents to stop mowing their properties (or a portion of their properties) during the month of May. The benefits of this program include allowing the flowering of lawn based flowers to promote pollinators, the reduction of pollution and carbon emissions, and lowering the cost of lawn maintenance. In addition the program allows residents to envision a new yard aesthetic, one that is more "natural" and a bit wild as part of changing attitudes about what is acceptable in suburban lawn appearance. The program elements include: a registration drive for residents leveraging the village website via the url; a parks program where a portion of 10 town properties will remain un-mown for the month; a children's program to find the ten properties (treasure hunt); promotional signage for the parks and homes; a social media campaign and promotion of the event at Earth Day. Information was posted on the website here:
- pdf No Mow May Flyer
Green Fair
10 PointsProgram Summary: In 2022, after a pandemic hiatus, the Green Ridgewood Committee, in conjunction with the village council, proudly hosted the Daffodil Festival & Earth Day Fair once again. It took place on April 10, 2022 and showcased the efforts the village is undertaking to make Ridgewood more sustainable including the 1000 acre project. Using the attached flyer, we advertised on facebook as well as the village website. Also see attached for a sponsor list for the event. Over the last several years, “Earth Day has been planned and presented jointly along with the “Daffodil Festival” of the Ridgewood Conservancy for Public Lands. This alliance has allowed steady growth of the event as we are now appealing to a more complex “fan” base. The event has grown over early efforts by Green Ridgewood, formerly REAC from 6 exhibitors displaying in the Village Hall courtyard to over 40 exhibitors/vendors in our most prominent park.
Buy Electricity From A Renewable Source
10 PointsProgram Summary: Rather than seeking third-party electric supply independently, the Village of Ridgewood participates in NJSEM (NJ Sustainable Energy Joint Meeting) for the dual purpose of improving energy purchasing power/reducing costs (by aggregating load with other municipalities) and for the environmentally sustainable benefit of purchasing electric supply with a greater percentage of renewable resources than is currently required by the NJRPS (NJ Renewable Portfolio Standard). As an NJSEM member and PSE&G customer, the Village of Ridgewood has obtained electric supply pricing that is not only highly competitive but inclusive of RPS+ 5% Class 1 RECs (Renewable Energy Certificates). In fact, the supply price was negotiated at a time (March 2020) when energy demand was diminishing due to the effects of Covid-19 on business operations. Our NJSEM Consultants analyzed the bids received for the aggregated load and chose the best pricing and terms from a reputable supplier. This resulted in an excellent price being secured for a two-year term. Estimated savings in comparison to PSE&G Residential BGS (additional attachment) is in the range of $0.02/kWh, which is substantial. UPDATE for 2023 from Gabel Associates Since June 2022, all NJSEM electric accounts are NOT being served by a third party as the utility pricing is the least expensive. This procedure follows the bylaws of the NJSEM where we are unable to award any bids over the strike price. It is our intention to issue a Re-Bid after the NJBPU concludes their energy auction setting the pricing for 2023/24.
Public Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure
15 PointsProgram Summary: The Village of Ridgewood's initial effort to add electric vehicle charging stations throughout the Village began with the completion of four charging stations that were included in the $12 million Hudson Street Garage project. Signage is located at the charging sites in the garage and their location is listed on Please see further details in attached letter from Ridgewood's Deputy Mayor.
Innovative Projects
Innovative Community Project 2
10 PointsProgram Summary: The Ridgewood Green Team launched "Project 1000 Acres" in the Spring of 2022. This project was designed to encourage sustainable landscape practices across the Village of Ridgewood for homeowners, businesses, schools, parks, and religious properties. Ridgewood has a total land area of 3500 acres, and the goal was to certify ~1/3rd of the acreage (1000 Acres) as sustainable. Ten "Sustainable Actions" were developed for landscape maintenance, including: planting natives, use of electric yard equipment, fertilizing organic, natural pesticides and herbicides, composting leaves, and reduced water use. These actions were aligned with EPA and Rutgers/NJAES guidance, and were aligned with the Village code and supported by the Village engineering team and parks departmenr. A website was developed that provides details on the program, and resources for Village residents and stakeholders to learn about sustainable land practices. The website also includes an interactive map, where one can register one's property as sustainable if a minimum of five of the ten practices are adopted. The program launched at Earth Day 2022 with the support of the Village, local gardening groups, residents and the High School environmental team. To date 181 acres (across 50 participants) have been registered as sustainable. Each qualifying property receives a custom sustainability certificate from Green Ridgewood. The website provides a full overview of the program: We also have a dashboard to monitor the program, flyers and signboards, social media, certificates and an email address as well. The project continues in 2023 with social media, an Earth Day program, and updated resources on the website. This project has been shared with the Bergen Hub, and Glen Rock and Wyckoff have expressed an interest in the program for their towns.
Natural Resources
Natural Resource Inventory
20 PointsBronze Priority Silver PriorityProgram Summary: The Ridgewood Natural Resource Inventory was completed in 2022 as part of the Ridgewood Master Plan. The Master Plan is attached, and the NRI can be seen in pages 307-380.
Water Conservation Education Program
10 PointsProgram Summary: Ridgewood Water (RW) is a municipally owned water utility of the Village of Ridgewood that serves four municipalities: Glen Rock, Midland Park, Ridgewood and Wyckoff. RW has a history of water conservation education. The director of Ridgewood Water, Rich Calbi, attends community meetings, speaks to local groups, and often serves as the featured speaker during educational events and programs. Water conservation educational information and programs are provided by Ridgewood Water to target its customers and the general public about the need for and benefits of conserving water. Educational information is made available to residents and businesses at the municipal building, the RW office, on the Village’s website, the RW website, the RW Facebook page and on each water bill. Educational programs offered within the past 2 years are provided below as examples of how Ridgewood Water educates the broader community. -Spring/Summer 2022 and 2023 - Social Media Facebook Water Conservation Campaigns (see attached worksheet) -Jan 1, 2023 Ridgewood Water Tour for Green Ridgewood (advisory group to the Village of Ridgewood): The director discussed topics of PFAS, lead and water conservation and well as conducted a tour of 2 water treatment facilities. -April 23, 2023 Earth Day - Ridgewood Water was present at the Village Earth Day event in town to provide infromation to customers about PFAS, lead, water conservation and to answer customer questions. -April 24, 2023 Sustainable Bergen County Hub Meeting - The director of Ridgewood Water discussed topics on PFAS, lead, water conservation and more -Spring 2023 - Social Media Facebook PFAS Education and Conservation Campaign (see attached worksheet) General Statistics: Well capacity 13 million gallons per day Storage tanks 14 million gallons per day Average demand 7 million gallons per day Average winter demand 5.5 million gallons per day Peak summer demand 20 million gallons per day
Water Conservation Ordinance
20 PointsBronze Priority Silver PriorityProgram Summary: Ridgewood Water is a municipally owned system, serving a population of approximately 60,000 residents in four towns (Ridgewood, Glen Rock, Midland Park, and Wyckoff). Ridgewood Water is a sole-source aquifer with 12 storage facilities and nearly 20,00 connections. There are 30 full-time employees, seven who work in the municipal office and 23 who work in the treatment and distribution divisions. Each employee in the municipal office, in addition to clerical and administrative duties, answers inquiries from residents about current water restrictions and is well versed in every facet of the water conservation program. Conservation is of critical importance to the system, as sufficient water pressure, especially in the summer months, is necessary for fire safety. Landscape irrigation is by far the biggest user of water during the spring and summer months, and therefore the primary target of conservation programs and restrictions. Ridgewood operated for many years on a multi stage emergency regulation basis, established by Ordinance 269-48. The stages were outlined as follows: Stage 1 required alternate day lawn watering; Stage 2, more severe restrictions and twice weekly watering; Stage 3, pending critical, only hand held watering on specific days; and Stage 4, critical, no irrigation at all. In 2015, however, Ridgewood's Green Team, Village Council members, and representatives from Ridgewood Water embarked on a two-year effort in partnership with the other towns in the Ridgewood Water service area to modify the existing ordinance and strengthen the conservation program. In April 2017 Ridgewood's Village Council unanimously passed Ordinance 3588, amending Ordinance 269-48 and instituting permanent Stage 2 restrictions. Irrigation is limited to two days a week and acceptable watering hours are restricted to minimize loss through evaporation. Automatic rain sensors are required, and exemptions are granted for the use of SMART controllers. The town has been extremely diligent in notifying residents of the new restrictions via e-Notices, Facebook posts, the village website, the Ridgewood Water website, constant reminders in the newspapers and at public meetings, and mailed brochures. Reverse 911 calls are also employed when the drought status changes. Employees of the Ridgewood Water travel throughout the service area within Ridgewood and issue summonses/tickets to those who are found watering outside the bounds of the current restrictions.
Tree Protection Ordinance
10 PointsProgram Summary: Ridgewood has been a "Tree City USA" community for more than two decades. As a mature Village, incorporated in 1894, tree protection has always been a feature of Ridgewood's municipal codes. Currently found in section 260 of the Village's General Code, Ridgewood has had some version of a protective tree ordinance since the early 1900's when the Village's initial Shade Tree Commission worked with the Council and Engineering Department to establish the roadways and streets throughout Ridgewood. With the mission to plant trees within the Village's Right of Way in front of every residence, the commission planted over 14,000 trees, many of which remain in good form today, giving the Village its characteristic tree lined streets. Ridgewood's Shade Tree Commission was reestablished in 2014 and began immediately drafting a revised, modernized, and stronger Tree Protection Ordinance. At the present time this proposed new ordinance has been submitted to the Village Council and is expected to come up for a vote in June or July 2017. Since the process allows for public comment and adjustments by the council, the final document cannot be provided at this time, but will be available for submission prior to September 2017. The draft ordinance under consideration includes all the major components outlined in the Sustainable Jersey guidelines as well as other features unique to Ridgewood. The intent of the new ordinance is to allow for the stabilization of the Village’s tree canopy by requiring a one for one replacement of any tree(s) meeting the criteria for size as defined in the ordinance (a qualified tree). Hence, the ordinance applies to all trees found in the Village, both Village-owned and private property trees. The replacement tree(s) need not be planted on the original site, therefore no physical on-site restrictions exist, but a payment (specified) for each could be substituted by the landowner into a “Tree Fund” so appropriate replacement trees can be purchased and planted on Village property at the Village’s direction. This new ordinance will not change the requirement for an approved landscape plan as part of the Planning Board’s site approval process. Some additional highlights found in the new ordinance include: (1) A permit for removal of each qualified tree to provide Ridgewood some control in the process. (2) Strengthened authority of the village arborist over root grinding and street tree replacement options. (3) Prohibition on planting bamboo anywhere in the Village. (4) A greater emphasis on planting native variety trees. (5) Establishment of substantial fines for non-compliance.
Community Forestry Management Plan & NJUCF Accreditation
20 PointsProgram Summary: The Village of Ridgewood Community Forestry Plan included in the attached document is the first one developed by the Village of Ridgewood and the Ridgewood Shade Tree Commission (STC). The Village of Ridgewood applied for and received a Green Communities Grant to finance the development of this five-year plan. The Ridgewood Shade Tree Commission’s purpose is to protect, preserve and enhance the shade trees in the village. Shade Trees are defined as Trees planted next to streets on the Village’s property. The STC’s goals are to foster public-private partnerships to 1) educate the community about the contribution shade trees make to the Village environment and, 2) increase the number of shade trees in the village by actively promoting community tree planting programs. After several decades of where shade trees were a low priority for the Village, a group of community members worked to increase awareness of the decline in the health and number of shade trees in the Village. Their efforts eventually resulted in the Village Council appointing a Shade Tree Commission in 2014. In fact, this was a reestablishment of a Shade Tree Commission which had prospered is the 30’s-50’s and was responsible for planting most of the trees now enjoyed by residents and visitors alike. The Ridgewood Shade Tree Commission has been officially recognized by the state. The Community Forestry 5 Year Plan, several years in the making, was approved January 2017. This approved status allows the STC to apply for grants to maintain and plant shade trees. The Village surveyed all Village street trees. There are approximately 9,000 street trees, excluding trees on county roads and private property. This survey indicated species, size, age, condition, exact location and also inform us about empty spaces in need of planting. The updated (as pf 3/20/2023) document attesting to the NJUCF 2022 accreditation for the Ridgewood Village is also attached.
Tree Maintenance Programs
10 PointsProgram Summary: In 2022, Ridgewood's Parks and Shade Tree Dept. spend $23,822 on tree maintenance, including watering and pruning pruning. Please see attached New Jersey Urban and Community Forestry Program Annual Accomplishment Report for details. Also, 107 ash trees were removed due to Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) infestation. The Community Forestry Management Plan (CFMP) and New Jersey Urban & Community Forestry (NJUCF) Accreditation documents are provided in the pre-requisite Action Community Forestry Management Plan and NJUCF Accreditation.
Tree Planting Programs
10 PointsProgram Summary: In 2022 88 trees were planted in Central Business District and 192 in residential areas. Please refer to the attached AAR for further details. For long term information about Ridgewood's tree canopy commitment, please refer to the Master Plan, Tree Planting, Maintenance, and Canopy Protection section: Tree Planting, Maintenance, and Canopy Protection Ridgewood has a long history of caring for and planting street trees and has historically acknowledged the many benefits street and shade trees have to offer. The Village’s Shade Tree Commission was first established in 1909 and in 1952 was transformed into a formal Village department, now called the Department of Parks, Recreation and Conservation. The current Shade Tree Commission was re-established in 2014. The Village adopted a Community Forestry Management Plan (“CFMP”) in 2016, which planned for the immediate 5-year horizon of 2017 through 2021. That Plan was approved by the State in 2017, qualifying Ridgewood for grant opportunities from the Community Stewardship Incentive Program. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the New Jersey Forest Service extended the current plan, which was due to expire in 2021, an additional 5 years through 2026. The Village therefore remains qualified for State grant opportunities and is not required to prepare an amended CFMP at this time. The Shade Tree Commission acknowledges that the current Plan was developed 5 years ago and needs revisions and updates and several of the initiatives have been successfully completely while others need to be revised. The Commission is in the process of reviewing the CFMP and will put forth provisions for such amendments. Maintaining a healthy tree canopy has a variety of benefits. Mature trees have a variety of environmental impacts including reducing temperatures, helping manage stormwater and flood events, and improving air quality. There are also aesthetic benefits to tree-lined streets and well-landscaped properties in both residential and commercial areas. The Master Plan recommends continuing to devote resources to maintaining existing trees through careful pruning and treatment to prevent disease and blight. The Village conducted a tree inventory (see additional details in the Open Space and Recreation Plan) that should be updated regularly. A regular program of monitoring, maintenance, and replacement can ensure that trees within the public right-of-way remain healthy and contribute to the Village’s character. The tree planting and landscaping requirements in the Land Development Ordinance should be reviewed and updated to ensure that private landscaping and tree plantings consist of a mix of appropriate species in the proper locations. The Village arborist should review plantings for disease tolerance, flood tolerance when in areas subject to inundation, and prioritize native species to the extent feasible. The Community Forestry Management Plan (CFMP) and New Jersey Urban & Community Forestry (NJUCF) Accreditation documents are provided in the pre-requisite Action Community Forestry Management Plan and NJUCF Accreditation.
- pdf AAR 2022 Ridgewood.pdf
- image CBD 3.jpg
- image IMG_1277.JPEG
Public Information & Engagement
Improve Public Engagement in Municipal Government
15 PointsProgram Summary: The Village of Ridgewood hosts a website that includes many of the features described in this action that facilitate residents’ ability to understand and participate in the government process. These features are detailed in the appropriate sections of the submission checklist. Council members and Village employees have taken advantage of technology such as e-mail and social media to make themselves more personally accessible to residents. Public access TV and the Village's You-Tube channel have increased access to public meetings. Traditional communication methods such as the annual calendar and public notice boards continue to be supported and help ensure those residents without access to technology receive the same information. This process of increased public engagement remains ongoing because opportunities for improvement remain, as detailed in the action notes, and because, as with all web sites, the new municipal site is continuously being reviewed, enhanced, and expanded with the result of communication between our residents and municipal government. In 2019 the Village added the Swagit system to greatly enhance its communication strategy. This system not only records each Village Council meeting, but it also breaks down each topic discussed giving the user direct access to any single topic discussed at the meeting. If a user wanted to only view the six minute council discussion about a particular bond ordinance in the middle of the meeting, they could click on the online agenda at that topic and view the full discussion without having to watch the entire meeting.
Online Municipal Public Service Systems
15 PointsProgram Summary: When Ridgewood unveiled its new website in 2016 it also transitioned many of its municipal public service systems online. At this time residents can easily conduct routine business and interactions with the Village electronically, saving time and resources. In particular the Village has made good use of its E-Notice system, an opt-in program for emailed notifications pertaining to Village operations. The E-Notice system has been used throughout the past year to publicize and promote the newest online capabilities within the Village, including the SDL permit and inspection portal where residents can track the status of building permits online. The Community Pass system, whereby residents can register for various Parks & Recreation programs, has also been a very popular and successful online offering. In addition the use of the Swagit system records each Village Council meeting and breaks it down in segments of individual topics discussed. If a visitor to the Village website wishes to view a council discussion that took place two hours into a meeting, they can click on that online agenda item and view the entire discussion without having to view or, fast forward through the entire meeting.
Waste Management
Household Hazardous Waste
5 PointsProgram Summary: The Recycling Division within the Village of Ridgewood has a robust program for disposal of household hazardous waste. Specifically, there are two accepted materials that meet the requirements of this action: batteries (automobile, rechargeable, and button cell only), and e-waste broadly speaking (TVs, VCRs, DVD players, monitors, computers, printers, desktop copy machines, hard drives, video game consoles, radios, stereos, cellular phones, electronic tablets, e-book readers, inkjet and laser printer cartridges). Batteries and e-waste, including printer cartridges, can be brought to the recycling center located at 203 E. Glen Avenue from 8am - 3pm (closed Wednesdays & Sundays). Button cell and rechargeable batteries must be placed in separate plastic baggies or have the terminal ends taped with non-conductive tape and handed to the attendant at the recycling center. Village residents are notified of the hazardous waste disposal options within Ridgewood through the Green Guide (recycling flyer) sent to each household and several sections of the Recycling Division's page on the Ridgewood website, including the very helpful and often referenced "how do I dispose of..." section. In CY2020, Ridgewood's Recycling Center reported 1.055 tons of lead acid batteries, 21 pounds of rechargeable batteries, and 59.485 tons of e-waste. Lead acid batteries are trucked from Ridgewood's recycling center to United Paterson Enterprises for scrap metal recycling. Rechargeable batteries are shipped from Ridgewood Recycling to Call2Recycle for sorting and recycling. E-waste material is pickup up from Ridgewood's recycling center by E-Revival for consumer electronics recycling. For more information, please visit the following websites:
Non-Mandated Materials Recycling
25 PointsProgram Summary: The Recycling Division within the Village of Ridgewood has a robust program for non-mandated materials. In the past year, Ridgewood has purchased and implemented a Styrofoam Densifier (the first in Bergen County). Ridgewood has also added Cooking Oil collection to the Village recycling center. These two new items are in addition to the two collected materials highlighted in the last SJ update: textiles and tires. None of these items are mandated by Bergen County for residential recycling. Village residents are notified of the non-mandated materials they can recycle through the Green Guide (recycling flyer) sent to each household and several sections of the Recycling Division's page on the Ridgewood website, including the very helpful and often referenced "how do I dispose of..." section. Collection amounts are: Polystyrene: 2.03 tons (note: 18.76 tons ytd 2023 as the program has accelerated) Tires: 6.92 tons Textiles: 23.19 tons Food Scraps: 14.6 tons Cooking Oil: 0.44 tons
Recycling Depot
10 PointsProgram Summary: In 1974 Ridgewood High School’s Students for Environmental Action and concerned parents approached Solid Waste officials to commence newspaper recycling. The town implemented curbside pickup of newspapers on the Wednesday bulk refuse curbside day. Residents had to bundle or bag newspapers and magazines for pickup. In response to interest from students and residents, glass and aluminum cans were added to the program. Containers were collected at the drop off site at 203 East Glen Avenue, the yard of the Parks Department and now the home of Ridgewood's recycling center. The recycling program remained voluntary until 1988. In that year New Jersey passed mandatory statewide recycling laws. On July 1, 1988 Ridgewood’s mandatory recycling ordinance went into effect, changing the voluntary drop off program to a mandatory one. The Village or Ridgewood operates a convenient recycling center located at 203 E. Glen Avenue (behind Ridgewood Fire Department Headquarters). The center is open five days a week, from 8:00 am – 3:00pm (closed Wednesdays & Sundays) to encourage recycling and facilitate higher recycling rates. The Ridgewood recycling program continues to evolve each year with new additions based on available markets and industry best practices. The hours of operation are advertised on the Village of Ridgewood website, in the Village of Ridgewood municipal calendar, and in the Village of Ridgewood Green Guide (the annual recycling flyer), the latter two documents are mailed to every home. Items accepted at the Recycling Center include: glass /plastic bottles and jars of all colors, aluminum and steel cans, newsprint, magazines, corrugated cardboard and paper bags, appliances and metals, tires, automobile batteries, textiles, printer cartridges, e-waste, batteries, concrete, and expanded polystyrene packaging. Local mulch and wood chips are available for municipal and residents use. In 2020, the Recycling Division collected 4,017 tons of material, resulting in a 34.82% reduction in solid waste, saved $323,328.33 in landfill fees, received $37,022.65 in recycling grant funds, and earned $56,574.48 from the sale of recycled materials. A current FAQ from the Village of Ridgewood's website is included with materials collected, address, hours of operation and much more information here as an attachment. For more information, please visit: