Registration Overview

Participation in Sustainable Jersey is FREE and voluntary


Sustainable Jersey is a nonprofit organization and participation in the program is not mandated by the state of New Jersey

To become a Sustainable Jersey Certified municipality, the municipality must first be registered with the program. Registering does not commit a municipality to attain certification. Only municipalities or organizations formally designated to represent the municipality may register.

Pass a Resolution to Participate

In order for a municipality to join the Sustainable Jersey program the municipality will need to pass a resolution stating its intent to seek Sustainable Jersey certification and designate an entity to be in charge of the process.  Please note this resolution is not the same as the Green Team resolution required for certification.

Sample Registration Resolution

or Sign Up for a Website Account

The person responsible for registering the municipality must be signed in if they have an existing account or sign up for a website account on the Sustainable Jersey website.

or Sign Up

Register a Municipality Online

Once signed into your account, fill out the registration fields in the online registration form by providing municipal contact information and uploading a copy of the resolution to participate.

Register Municipality
Please allow up to one week to process your registration.  Once approved a confirmation email will be sent.

Benefits of Registration

There are numerous benefits to registration including:



Read common registration FAQs here.  Contact Sustainable Jersey at with any questions about the registration process.